The Neil and Angela Show… the lost episode

Last month, Buntologists Angela and Neil had the bright idea to add a music news video segment to the website's repertoire.  That footage never saw the light of day... until now. … [Read more...]

Buntology’s year in music: Thanks for the memories!

Wow! We can't believe 2009 has come to an end. This year saw a lot in music, and so did the staff at Buntology. Between Phish, festies, and a smattering of new and classic rock concerts, it's going to be hard to top all of the awesome performances 2009 had to offer. But, before we look at the music, let's take a second to remember the great musicians that passed away this year: Ron Asheton (The Stooges), Jay Bennet (Wilco), Bob Bogle (The Ventures), Ean Evans (Lynyrd Skynyrd), Adam Goldstein … [Read more...]

A little bit Furthur than we’ve gone before

I have been scratching my head for a while now. If there is a God (and no, I am not trying to stir a debate), he is very pleased with us at the moment. Hmm, maybe not pleased with all of us, but those immersed in the live music scene are getting what they want. Spring was sprung. Summer was stupendous. Fall was fantastic. Winter will be wondrous. Yes, wondrous. I have devoted so much time making up for Phish’s five-year hiatus over the summer and fall that I think I forgot about my roots. … [Read more...]

Best. flyer. ever.

Once in a while those annoying post-show flyers are actually amusing. Neil made this discovery after a Phish MSG show the other night. … [Read more...]

A Tale of Two Phish Shows: Albany-run review

.After a two-day Phish run in Albany, N.Y., complete with singing, dancing and partying till the wee hours of the morning, it's solidified-- Neil and I are party animals The weekend started with a full belly, as the first show was only a day after Thanksgiving and I had stuffed myself to the point of wrenching pain less than 24 hours earlier. [You can thank Rod Bunt and his delicious stuffing for us being well-fed. - Neil] Me, Neil and some of our friends stayed at the Clarion in Albany … [Read more...]

Do the Wormtown Wiggle [by Angela & Neil]

Angela and Neil, Buntology's designated hippies, hit up Wormtown Festival this weekend. Check out their recap below, and be sure to stay tuned for Ange's Wormtown documentary that will be premiered on Buntology later in the week! Angela: The Wormtown Music Festival is one of the Pioneer Valley's best kept secrets. Tucked away in Greenfield, Mass., Camp KeeWanee hosts the only festival where you can watch live music from 10 a.m. until 6 a.m. the next day for under $90. And it's GOOD … [Read more...]

I need some indication Lord that all of this is real now

Neil + Bobby = <3 "So we filter down to the area to see the man. Was I going to cry? Or just not know what to say? Regardless, the time was here. I went into the area and stood directly in front of Bobby. This figure that seems so gigantic on stage had such a calm and soothing demeanor. 'Hey man, how’s it going,' he asked. Oh god, oh god, what do I say? 'Thanks for everything, Bobby. This is so surreal right now.' I put out my hand for a shake. Then he said, 'How about a … [Read more...]

Sheer “Joy” over Phish’s triumphant return [by Neil]

What a smelly summer. Everywhere I went seemed to have a Phishy scent. Starting at Camp Kee Wanee in Greenfield, Mass. and ending at Saratoga Performing Arts Center in New York, this has been a glorious span. Strange Creek was a weekend of friends, music and the start of summer. The boys from Phish pissed in my ears (literally) at Bonnaroo. My homies from the Dead put on a face-melting exposition at Rothbury. Even RatDog had me rocking out at an otherwise dreary Vibes. But to be … [Read more...]

The whamp killed the Vibes [by Neil Benjamin]

Another year, another Vibes. For the sixth consecutive year, I (sort of) enjoyed the fun people, (kind of) great music and (mildly) silly antics at the festival that celebrates the life of the great Jerry Garcia. Except this year was different. Maybe it should be renamed “Gathering of the Shady and Sketchy Vibes.” I mean, what am I supposed to say? Early Saturday morning, a DEAD BODY was found in the camping area. Seriously? I spoke with a few people who had vast knowledge of the … [Read more...]

Rothbury 2009 wrap-up.

Buntology's Road to Rothbury has come to an end, and what a journey it was. At least the parts that we can remember. Here are some video and picture highlights from the music festival, as well as some final thoughts from Buntology staffers Angela and Neil, who attended the four day party. … [Read more...]